L’Oreal Academy by EMBT, Barcelona

По материалам сайта retaildesignblog.net

Rachel Zoe’s DreamDry salon, New York

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HAIR STUDIOS! Chalacol hair salon by NKDW Studio, Bangkok

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HAIR STUDIOS! Charlie Salon by SJB Australia, Melbourne

The building was originally a 1920s public hotel with the original public bar becoming a hairdressing salon. The existing space provides grand 4.2 meter ceilings, large steel framed doors to both corner elevations, located on the majestic St Kilda Road Boulevard. The brief consisted of a hairdressing and beauty salon to include 10 hair stations, 3 wash basins, a front desk and a retail and luxurious waiting area supported by staff facilities to the rear.  По материалам сайта retaildesignblog.net

Jorge Silva Hair Salon and Spa by AAMD, Guimarães – Portugal

This was a project for a hair salon and spa located in the city center of Guimarães, Portugal, European Culture Capital 2012. The concept is based on a similar language that unifies the whole space. The roughness of the concrete involves floor, walls and ceilings and it contrasts with the elegance of the hair care program.  По материалам сайта retaildesignblog.net

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